
Rabbi Yehoram Ulman

Rabbi Yehoram Ulman 192 240 alextima

Rabbi Yehoram Ulman has served as a Rabbi and Spiritual Leader of a large community in Sydney Australia since 1986. He and his wife Shternie had been sent there as emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Rabbi Ulman heads an organizati on called FREE (Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe) which is responsible in connecting thousands of immigrants from the former Soviet Union to their Jewish roots.

Rabbi Ulman also serves as a Rosh Beis Din (Senior Dayan) on the Sydney Beis Din and is the immediate Past President of the Rabbinical Council of NSW.

Rabbi Ulman has received smicha for Rabbonus (Yore Yore) as well as Dayonus (Yodin Yodin) from world renowned authorities including Rabbi Pinchos Hirschprung zt”l and yblch’t Rabbi Zalman Nehemia Goldberg shlit’a.

In his capacity as a Dayan and Posek, Rav Ulman regularly gives unique lectures and talks for Rabbonim, Yeshiva and Kollel students, as well as lay people, on the many diverse shayles and halachic matters that he deals with. These include topics such as geyrus (conversion), gittin (divorces), mamzeirus and possible solutions, halachic requirement in IVF and other fertility and genetics issues and many other subjects which are both topical and scholarly.

Rabbi Ulman, many of whose tshuves and psokim (responsa and rulings) were published, has been consulted by Australia’s Attorney-General for his views on suggested changes to the Family Law Act and by the Australian Cabinet for halachic outlook on stem cell research.