
Rabbi Eli Slomnicki

Rabbi Eli Slomnicki 329 329 alextima

Rabbi Eli Slomnicki is known for his passion for student growth and development. Rabbi Slomnicki aspires to embody the Biblical maxim of “חנוך לנער על פי דרכו – educate a child according to their way.” He is a beloved teacher who develops meaningful relationships with his students.

Rabbi Slomnicki currently serves as a senior administrator at the Ramaz upper School. Rabbi Slomnicki has also served as the Assistant Principal of Yeshiva University High School for Girls. Additionally, Rabbi Slomnicki was the Assistant Rabbi of Youth at Young Israel of Great Neck and was recently the camp rabbi at Camp Lavi.

Rabbi Slomnicki earned his BA in Philosophy from Yeshiva College, his MA in Jewish Secondary Education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and administration and his Rabbinic ordination from Beit Medrash L’Talmud in Queens, NY. He resides in Great Neck, NY with his wife Elissa and their 5 children.