Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen 

Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen  382 382 Aliza Seidman
Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen has served as a Rabbi for eighteen years in the NY/NJ area and a scholar in residence around the world.
He has a law degree from Columbia Law School and a Masters degree in Marital Therapy from the University of North Texas.
He is the author of the book “We’re Almost There: Living with Patience, Perseverance and Purpose,” (Mosaica Press 2016) presenting a pathway for confronting challenges.
His new book “Together Again: Reimagining the Relationships that Anchor our Lives” (Mosaica Press 2022) is an exploration of our critical relationships post the pandemic.
Rabbi Cohen is the host of “The JPP” The Jewish Philanthropy Podcast and a Senior Relationship Officer at the Orthodox Union Yachad division.
He is also a consultant for various sports related businesses, venture funds and real estate investments and an executive coach to CEO’s and business leaders.