Joel Steinmetz

Joel Steinmetz 382 382 Aliza Seidman

Joel Steinmetz has been giving a weekly shiur in Woodmere for the past 18 years on a wide variety of topics including the laws of shemittah, the laws of Shabbos, the laws of ribbis, laws of damages, Masechta Avodah Zara, Masechta Beitzah and more. He also gives the daf yomi shiur in the Young Israel of Woodmere and is a frequent lecturer on holiday topics.
Mr. Steinmetz is co-founder of a financial technology company specializing in private securities and digital securities. He is a highly sought after speaker in the financial industry on issues ranging from capital markets structure and regulations to innovative digital technologies. Mr. Steinmetz has lectured on the nexus of these areas giving shiurim on Halacha topics of modern day commerce, halachah’s approach to electronic trading of equity and debt and, more recently, its approach to digital assets.