Nati Bar Am

Nati Bar Am 103 125 alextima

Cantor Nati Bar Am is a native of Jerusalem. His father teaches music and his mother is a professional artist. Both parents imbued him with a love of music from the time he was a toddler.

The turning point in his life came when he attended services at The Jerusalem Great Synagogue for the first time. As he listened to the inspiring prayers chanted by world renowned Chief Cantor Naftali Herstik accompanied by the magnificent choir conducted by Elli Jaffe, Netanel determined that he would like to become a Chazzan.

Following his High School graduation, Netanel continued his Torah studies at Yeshivat Ateret Yisrael and at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav Kook. He also began serious Cantorial study at the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute where he was guided by its Dean, Chazzan Naftali Herstik, Raymond Goldstein and other master teachers. His musical talents and skills were further developed by his father and by Maestro Elli Jaffe. Netanel has been a featured soloist at many concerts of The Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute in Israel and abroad. He has been a member and soloist of The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir and serves as guest Chazzan at that Synagogue.

During the past few years, Netanel has also been engaged by congregations in Israel and other countries to officiate as guest Chazzan. He has been a chazzan at Sea Point Congregation in Capetown, South Africa , at Zurich, Switzerland , Melbourne, Australia and more… . He has appeared as soloist with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra , the Kibbutz Lavi Music Festival and more… He has also, founded the “Kol Rinah” Choir, which officiated throughout Israel and abroad.

Netanel is currently serving as the cantor of Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills, California.