Chaim Adler

Chaim Adler 103 125 alextima

Cantor Chaim Adler is the Chief Cantor of the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem. He has performed with the Great Russian Tenors in the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow with the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Cantor Adler also chose to perform Keulen, Germany to represent Jewish Religious Music for Pope Bendict XVI. The Pope told Cantor Adler – “You touched my heart with your singing”. In the last 10 years Cantor Adler performed the Memorial Prayer, E-l Maleh Rachamim, and the Kadish for thousands of people from all over the world on the Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Hashoah, in Poland at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. He has received the honor of lighting the Torch in the 61st Yom Ha`atzmaut Celebration as a Representative of the Orthodox Jews in Tel Aviv. Cantor Adler has also performed all over the world in concerts and prayers. He has received Gold Medals and an Honorary Diploma and has produced several CD’s and DVD’s.