
Israeli inventions

Allured by sailing…

Allured by sailing… 724 482 Sarity Gervais

Despite being invited for the Seder at the home of friends, the cleaning must go on and it’s relentless. I’m going through closets and drawers, making piles of things to…

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Longing 150 150 Sarity Gervais

It’s formally spring above the equator, yet despite having moved into daylight saving time (losing an hour of sleep, ugh), it’s freezing in New York. A week ago we had…

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JERUSALEM IN THE SNOW (PART 8) 150 150 Sarity Gervais

From ancient times to more recent past, and up to the present, Jerusalem has been a bright shining light, a crown on the head of Judaism, eternally Jewish and grand.…

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Passover memories

Passover memories 150 150 Sarity Gervais

Yesterday, as I lay in bed with a pounding migraine, I had an out of body experience of sorts. I was transported back to a time and place harbouring memories…

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JERUSALEM IN THE SNOW (PART 7) 150 150 Sarity Gervais

Jewish roots in Jerusalem and Judea, for the last 3,000 years. &quotIm eshkachech Yerushalayim, tishakach yemini, Yidbak leshoni lechiki im lo ezkerechi&quot- As Psalms 137:5-6 proclaims, &quotIf I forget thee…

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Jewish Heritage trip in Greece and a short visit of the Acropolis

Jewish Heritage trip in Greece and a short visit of the Acropolis 150 150 Sarity Gervais

On my last trip to Greece, soon as we touched solid ground in Athens, I was off on a long awaited expedition. It had to be thoroughly pre-planned, since I…

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JERUSALEM IN THE SNOW (PART 6) 150 150 Sarity Gervais

A discussion on the importance of Jerusalem to Jews in modern days, far more than just a symbol or an iconic site to tour as it is to other people.…

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JERUSALEM IN THE SNOW (PART 5) 150 150 Sarity Gervais

The day I got to Jerusalem was the peak of the famous snow storm. I have not seen the city this lovely, the crisp clean air on the mountainside suburbs…

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The Jewish Museum in NYC

The Jewish Museum in NYC 150 150 Sarity Gervais

The other day I walked by a poster inside the subway station, which made me stop in my tracks, rather abruptly.The mad wave of rushing New Yorkers behind me, barely…

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Jerusalem Neighbourhoods (part 4)

Jerusalem Neighbourhoods (part 4) 150 150 Sarity Gervais

The main streets are King George and Yaffa streets, both mainly commercial centers and tourist attractions. The area holds many 4/5 star hotels, mainly the historic King David Hotel, the…

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Purim 150 150 Sarity Gervais

The holiday that’s all fun and joy- On the 14th day of the month of Adar, Jews all over the world celebrate Purim, the favourite holiday of kids and adults…

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Jerusalem in the Snow (part 3)

Jerusalem in the Snow (part 3) 150 150 Sarity Gervais

Hugarian/Yerushalmi babke, the colourful fresh produce market, (with an amusing tale), and the marvel of being an Israeli. Jerusalem is very dear and special to me, but I’m hardly alone.…

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