Israeli inventions

Pitta and Kapha

Pitta and Kapha 724 482 Sarity Gervais

Pitta (Fire and little water)

They are fiery, have better less sensitive digestion and appetites. They withstand cold better and are hot headed. Aggressive, impatient sharp intelligent and since their digestion is solid they can eat most anything. Pittas get into trouble when the use too much salt, too much hot spicy food and overuse of sour food.

They are acidic, hot, intense, penetrating and have a tendency for competitiveness, sleep deeply for short periods of time, only to awaken with abundant energy. They are often called type-A personality, with acid stomach influx, burning sensation peptic ulcers indigestion and skin rashes.

Characteristic of Pittas:

Short tempered, possess a powerful intellect and an ability to focus, they are great decision makers, teachers and speakers. Precise, ambitious, practical and jump on a challenge. When out of balance Pittas can be argumentative, short tempered and have emotional outbursts. Transformation is their primary function. When overwhelmed they ask &quotWhat did you do wrong&quot?

How to balance Pitta or keep it balanced:

1. Keep cool physically and mentally, with moderation applied to all endeavours.

2. Exercise during cooler times of the day and get plenty of fresh air.

3. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid extreme heat humidity or steam rooms.

4. Be considerate and patient with people.

5. Engage in meditation, quiet introspective contemplation.

6. Try to avoid potential conflict.

7. Eat the following:

Foods must never be boiling hot or ice cold but rather warm or body temperature. Biter, sweet or astringent foods are ideal. In The heat of the summer cool down with cool drinks, refreshing salads, mint or liquorice tea, cold cereals and vegetarian foods are best for the hot Pitta.

They should consume loads of milk grains and vegetables.

Use as little butter as possible and avoid cheese pickles or cream. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar and avoid fermented foods and drinks like wine. Reduce caffeine and skip egg yolks, nuts honey and hot spices.

For dosha balance remember that Pitta influences digestion, body temperature and biological transformation.

Feed it any vegetable, cooked or raw, but go very slow on chili and hot peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and onions.

Fruits of all kind can be eaten but make sure they are ripe enough and lack sour taste.

Best grains are: Wheat, Barley, oats, and basmati rice. To be eaten in moderation: Brown rice rye and millet.

Dairy: eggs, ghee, sweet sorbet and milk. In careful moderation: sour cream, yoghurt and small amounts of cheese.

Best meats: Chicken, turkey and river fish (all in small amounts). In moderation Pittas may have red meat and fish.

Beans: Mung beans, chickpeas, red lentils, tofu and other soybean products. In moderation, black beans, black lentils.

Fats: Olive, soy sunflower and grapeseed oil. Almond corn sesame sufflower and coconut oil must be used in moderation.

Nuts Coconut, pumpkin seeds flaxseeds.

Sweeteners: all except honey and molasses.

Spices should be avoided as much as possible as they tend to overheat the already hot Pitta. The following: cilantro, Cardamom, cinnamon mint turmeric, saffron and pepper may be used but very lightly.

Kapha (earth and water)

The typical Kapha tends to be heavy, big boned and stores lots of water. They also store fat more readily than other doshas.

As a body type, they tend to be overweight, are calm and slow. They do things slowly and methodically, and even speak slowly.

They are usually heavy, solid, soft and oily, with beautiful, radiant skin and big light eyes. Kapha governs the structure of the body and it primary function is protection.

They have excellent constitutions and stamina, are good at digestion and sleep soundly.

Out of balance, Kapha can become seriously overweight, sleep excessively, gets lethargic and can develop diabetes, asthma and severe depression.

Natural and balanced, Kapha is loving, loyal, thoughtful and possesses a love of life. They are strong, protective and supportive, patient and love routine. Love reading and music, cooking and they create comfortable beautiful homes.

When imbalanced, they tend to hoard things, hold onto jobs and relationships long after they’re of any use, or even gone. They display attachment to things and are stubborn and resistant to change,

When overwhelmed they say: &quotI don’t want any part of this, don’t want to be involved&quot

Balancing Kapha:

1. Wake up early and resist sleeping during the day.

2. Engage in lots of serious daily exercise.

3. Perform activities that stimulate your body and mind, thus raise the metabolic rate of the body.

4. Keep warm and dry.

5. Break routines, indulge yourself in new and exciting endeavours.

6. Notice stagnation, step in and stop it. Clinging to old behaviours and thoughts is unhealthy for a Kapha.

7. Challenge yourself and keep fulfilling goals.

8. Eat to support a well-balanced dosha.

Keeping Kapha balanced or rebalancing it with food.

Raw food and vegetables, light frequent meals, hot and spicy meals such as Mexican food or Indian curries are great for Kapha, especially during cold winter times.

Dry cooking methods such as grilling, broiling and baking are best for Kapha, as they don’t use extra fat or in fact eliminate most of it.

Lettuce (all kinds) endives cucumber infused water, are all good fillers and health promoters.

Cumin, fenugreek turmeric and sesame seed are good spices for Kapha.

Fats and sweets must be watched and eaten only for the above-mentioned periods (on vacations etc.) Otherwise, it’s wise to eat them sparingly or mostly substitute with fresh veggies and fruit.

The main meal should be the largest, like they eat in Europe. Kapha is typically an overeater, a tendency which must be watched. Some people overcome the problem by tasting a little of everything, thus not depriving themselves but exercising self-control by filling themselves with healthy low calorie choices and calorie free liquids.

The foods advisable to Kaphas don’t differ much from their Pitta friends, the only things that vary are the amounts of heavy food consumed, generally avoiding sweeteners and reducing fats and oils greatly in daily life.

Most Kaphas can have a delicious food plan that includes everything, but in smaller portions, supplemented by as much raw vegetables and water as desired. Also the timing of meals is important, and even this can be managed by eating early and waiting a good few hours before retiring.

And remember: unless on vacation, avoid the dessert bar before bedtime and you’ll feel better for it.